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Stewards of theRural Community

"People own that which they help to build."
- Margaret Wheatley

Bitter Root RC&D Logo

Bitter Root RC&D

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Happy Farmer

Who We Are: Our Mission

The Bitter Root Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1965. Our Mission is to provide leadership and support on natural and community resource issues and projects in our service area of Missoula, Mineral, and Ravalli counties, and beyond. We assist our community with facilitating the planning, coordination, and implementation of initiatives which promote a sustainable rural lifestyle for current and future generations.

What We Do

​We believe that local citizens can successfully invest in, develop and carry out action-oriented plans for the social, economic and environmental betterment of their communities.

Logs in a field with a forest background
Dollar Bill in Jar
Country life

Click on the link above to learn about programs managed by BRRCD including Hazardous Fuels Reduction; Bitterroot Collective Impact;
Healthy Kids / Healthy Forests; and Home Buyer Education 

BRRCD provides fiscal sponsorship and non-profit management services for groups, agencies, organizations, and other non-profits. We host, facilitate and manage programs, projects and partnerships that support our mission.

BRRCD has a long history of supporting our community by serving as a Fiscal Sponsor for resource conservation, habitat restoration, and community diversity and development projects.


Contact Us


Mailing Address:

PO BOX 870 

Hamilton, MT 59840


Physical address:

1709 N 1st St.

Hamilton, MT 59840




Opening Hours


9:00 am – 3:00 pm



​Saturday & Sunday


Bitter Root Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc.

1709 North First Street

PO Box 870

Hamilton, MT 59840


Phone: 406.363.5450

FAX: 406.363.5451


FEIN: 81-0360178

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